Our Club
The Kiwanis Club of Lake San Marcos was established in August 1964 with 28 charter members. Our Club is one of 12 in North San Diego County belonging to Division 37 Region 2 of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Kiwanis International. We are one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in Division 37.
Our Foundation
Lake San Marcos Kiwanis Club Foundation was established in 1989 as the result of a generous bequest by the family of Boyd Hammond, a deceased member of the club. This 501(c)(3) corporation accepts tax-deductible contributions from club members and others. Funds are managed by a Board of Directors and proceeds are distributed to scholarship recipients as well as many organizations in the community.
Helping Children, the Elderly and the Community
Lake San Marcos
Mail: 1030 La Bonita Drive Suite 342, Lake San Marcos, CA 92078